Coccothrinax borhidiana 10 seeds one packet
Processing Time : 3 day
Delivery Time : 14 - 21 days
Coccothrinax borhidiana
Out of Stock
- Coccothrinax borhidiana
Borhidis Guano Palm
Very rare species
To those who have seen this very rare palm in the flesh, it easily surpasses any other Coccothrinax in appearance, including the famed C. crinita. Native onlyto a small beach area in the north of Cuba, where it grows in stunted coastal vegetation, it is seriously threatened with extinction. It is a smallish palm with a slender trunk thickly clothed in a coat of undulated fibers, topped by a very dense crown of closely spaced, circular, rigid, thick and leathery, dark green leaves that are held on short petioles. This palm is without doubt the most desirable of the Coccothrinax, and we are very proud to be able to offer this fantastic palm in a reasonable quantity at long last.