Koti kan Beraliya Live Plant (Shorea cordifolia)
x1 Plant
Type : Live Plant
Size : 6"-8" Inches (Hight)Endemic plant to Sri Lanka.
It is very Rare plant species.
This seeds used for prepare many kinds of delicious and Ayurveda foods in Sri lanka.
Medium-sized tree, - 30 m tall. - 2 m girth, with low concave rounded buttresses, straight bole frequently branching rather low. Bark surface chocolate brown. Twig c. 1 - 2 mm diam., slender, much brabched, pale brown. Leaf buds minute; lamina 8 - 15 X 3 - 6 cm, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, cetaceous, drying purplish brown; nerves 8 - 11 pairs. Panicle - 5 cm long, - 1 mm diam. at base, short, slender, with 1.5 cm long branchlets bearing - 5 flowers. Corolla white.
Koti kan Beraliya Live Plant (Shorea cordifolia) x1 plant 6"-8" Inches Size